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Russia: Termination of employment

This resource is not currently being updated. It was last reviewed and updated on 21 February 2022.

Original author: ALRUD

Consultant editor: Anna Chaykina


  • Statute lists exhaustively the circumstances in which employment contracts may be, or are deemed to be, terminated. (See General)
  • Statute requires an employer to give an employee notice of termination of the employment contract only where the termination is on certain grounds or occurs in certain circumstances. (See Notice periods)
  • An employer may generally dismiss an employee (with the exception of during any probationary period) only on certain specified grounds. (See Dismissal)
  • Employers are prohibited from dismissing employees in certain circumstances, except on specified grounds. (See Special dismissal protection)
  • An employee may generally resign at any time, as long as they give the employer at least two weeks' written notice. (See Resignation)
  • Redundancy and workforce reduction are permitted reasons for an employer to dismiss an employee. (See Redundancies)
  • Employment contracts terminate, essentially automatically, in a number of circumstances considered to be beyond the control of both the employer and the employee. (See Termination owing to circumstances beyond the control of the employer or employee)
  • Employment contracts terminate in certain circumstances where the statutory rules governing the signing of such contracts were breached in such a way as to make further employment impossible. (See Termination where the contract was signed unlawfully)
  • Employment contracts terminate in various other circumstances. (See Other types of termination)
  • When terminating an employee's employment, the employer must issue a formal "order" to this effect. (See Termination procedures)
  • Employees are entitled to a severance payment from their employer if their employment is terminated on various specified grounds. (See Severance payments)
  • Employees who believe that their dismissal was in breach of the relevant provisions of employment legislation, and therefore unlawful, may bring a claim in a district court. (See Contesting dismissals)