Michigan Employers May Charge Fees for Child Support Withholding

Author: Rena Pirsos, XpertHR Legal Editor

Effective March 28, 2013, Michigan employers may begin charging employees a fee of $2 for processing income withholding orders for child support each time a payment is withheld, so long as total fees do not exceed $4 per month. Employers that remit child support payments electronically may charge a $1 fee each time a payment is withheld, so long as total fees do not exceed $2 per month. Fees must be collected separately from the income withheld for child support.

Under current law, an employer may not charge a fee unless it has the employee's full, free and written consent, obtained without intimidation or fear of discharge for refusing to permit the withholding. See Payroll > Involuntary and Voluntary Pay Deductions: Michigan.