Héctor Armando Jaime Martínez

Héctor Armando Jaime Martínez is a professor of labour law at the Catholic University of Táchira in Venezuela, a post he has held since 1967. From 1975 to 1995 he also held the post of professor of civil law. In addition, he is professor of labor law at the following universities in Venezuela: the Catholic University of Carabobo; the Catholic University of Zulia; and the University of Fermín Toro.

Héctor has been appointed as a temporary superior judge in Táchira, dealing with civil and labor law cases. He is also a practising lawyer. The Ministry of Labor appointed Héctor to the committee that drafted labor law regulation in Venezuela in 1998.

As well as writing several books on labour law (such as "Comments on organic labor law" and "Working time"), and more than forty papers, Héctor has spoken on labor law at international conferences, including the Colombian national congress of labor law and social security.

After obtaining his law degree from the Catholic University of Andres Bello in Venezuela, magna cum laude, Héctor undertook graduate studies at the Université de Droit et des Sciences Sociales, Paris.

Héctor is a member of the Latin American Institute of Labor Law and Social Security, and the Venezuelan Institute of Social Law. He is a founding member of the Venezuelan Association of Teachers of Labor Law and Social Security.