XpertHR's Sample Policies Are Now Gender-Neutral

Author: XpertHR Editorial Team

XpertHR now uses gender-neutral language throughout its 150-plus sample policies.

Changes to these resources include:

  • Replacing binary pronouns such as "he/she," "him/her" and "his/her" with non-binary pronouns such as "they," "their" and "them" wherever possible;
  • Replacing gender-specific terms such as "husband/wife," "brother/sister," "mother/father" with gender-neutral terms such as "spouse," "sibling" and "parent/caregiver/guardian"; and
  • Eliminating any expressions or wording that may reinforce gender stereotypes.

Where applicable, we may continue to use gendered language when directly quoting court rulings, statutes, regulations and other government guidance.

This approach will help users account for gender fluidity within the workforce when creating, distributing and maintaining legally compliant documentation for their organizations. It can help ensure that transgender and non-binary workers do not feel excluded or marginalized.

This approach also reflects increasing public awareness that not everyone regards their gender identity as exclusively male or female. Employers can reflect this wider trend in society in their documentation and communications to staff.

In the weeks ahead, XpertHR will be reviewing another 500-plus letters, forms and checklists found within the Policies and Documents tool to ensure they have gender-neutral language.