Types of Employers and Workers: Employment Law Manual Expanded and Reorganized

Author: Melissa Gonzalez Boyce, Brightmine Legal Editor

As the economy continues to evolve, new employment relationships are taking shape to respond to employers' varying need for different types of workers. Additionally, various federal, state and local laws have their own particular definitions of what is considered an employer and employee, which affects their respective rights and obligations. In response, HR & Compliance Center is excited to announce the release of a new Employment Law Manual chapter, Types of Employers and Workers, which offers discussions on the various categories of employers and workers.

This chapter contains two new sections, Types of Employers and Types of Workers, as well as the existing Independent Contractors and Multistate Employer sections.

Specifically, the Types of Employers section covers the various types of employers, from private employers to franchisors to professional employer organizations (PEOs), and the issues each should understand. Meanwhile, the Types of Workers section covers the different types of workers an employer may seek to fill a particular position, such as a gig worker, commissioned salesperson and intern.

In addition to providing a general understanding of the many types of employers and workers in today's labor market, the Types of Employers and the Types of Workers sections offer the opportunity to access more comprehensive information on related topics across the greater HR & Compliance Center site.